Eivind Bjørkås

Eivind holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Oslo. He started his professional career in Vista Analyse in June 2020. In Vista Analyse Eivind has been involved in many different projects. He has participated in cost-benefit analyses, an evaluation of a transport model and several policy evaluations. Eivind has project experience from several thematic areas such as transport (bus, railway, roads, and biking), taxation, education, climate, and environmental issues.

As a student, Eivind specialized in public economics, programming, econometrics, and modelling. In his thesis he used the empirically based macro model “KONSUM-G” to simulate reforms in the duty-free arrangement on alcohol and tobacco in Norway.

Publications by Eivind Bjørkås:
NameEivind Bjørkås
TitleConsultant (temporary leave)
Phone+47 95 48 67 33
Office AddressMeltzers gate 4, 0257 Oslo
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