New report: Opportunities for producing biogas in the MOFTMO area of Poland

Oslo, 04.10.2024

This pre-feasibility study is a deliverable from the project Green transition in practice: Demonstrating and disseminating the benefits of producing biogas from bio-waste, financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations within the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The general idea of the project is to compare similarities and differences in the challenges facing biogas in Poland and Norway. The pre-feasibility study identifies challenges and opportunities in the MOFTMO area of Poland.

We examine the opportunities for producing biogas in the Municipal Functional Area Tomaszów Mazowiecki-Opoczno (MOFTMO) in Poland. The area has significant biomass resources. Based on an analysis of available resources, as well as regulatory and technical conditions, we develop a business case for investing in biogas production at the wastewater treatment plant managed by Water and Sewage Management Plant in Tomaszów Mazowiecki. The first investment phase utilizes wastewater sludge and grease trap sludge. The second phase adds municipal and industrial waste as substrates. Compared to the present practice we find the first phase to generate an expected internal rate of return (real) of 4.7 percent. Adding the second phase the internal rate of return increases to 7.8 percent. Therefore, to increase profitability, it is important to include a second phase despite the higher costs and extended investment implementation time.

The complete report is available here.

In addition to the pre-feasibility study we have made a report on barriers to the implementation of biogas production and bio-waste management solutions and a catalogue of good practices in biogas production.

Project manager: Haakon Vennemo

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