Ina Sandaker

Ina holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Oslo and a bachelor´s degree in Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Additionally, she pursued studies in sociology at the University of Bergen and completed an exchange semester at the University of California, Berkeley.

Ina wrote her master thesis in cooperation with the Frisch Centre, utilizing register data and time fixed effects to research the decline in labor participation among disability recipients over the past decade in relation to demographic changes. She did her bachelor thesis on salmon farming, employing methods such as cost-benefit analysis and environmental valuation. While studying, Ina completed an internship at Menon Economics, where she contributed to a project focused on enhancing the competitiveness of the Estonian maritime industry. She also interned at Gjensidige Forsikring, where she was trained in taxonomy and sustainability reporting, and developed training materials on sustainability.

Her education and experience provide Ina with knowledge in topics such as public economics, inequality, competition and sustainability, along with skills in data processing, econometrics and economic analysis methods.

Publications by Ina Sandaker:
NameIna Sandaker
Phone+47 95 42 14 42
Office AddressMeltzers gate 4, 0257 Oslo
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