Empirical analysis and applied econometrics can be powerful tools in the analysis of economic phenomena. It is crucial to identify cause and effect in such analyses, and not to interpret correlation as causation. Modern empirical methods facilitate the identification and quantification of causality in data, for example by controlling for relevant explanatory variables. Important keywords within the field of econometrics are panel data, time series analysis and natural experiments.
Vista Analyse masters all methods that are necessary in order to conduct a quality-assured empirical analysis. Several of our associates have Ph.D. expertise in applied econometrics. We have broad experience within the field of modern quantitative methods at a macro-, micro- and individual level; structural modeling; empirical analysis in combination with geographical data (GIS); and qualitative analysis. In every project, we will choose the method most suitable for the topic, and where we know that we can get the most information from the available data. We will sometimes choose the most advanced methods, sometimes not – all depending on the topic and the data at hand. We are concerned with thoroughly documenting our choice of method and giving the reader a comprehensible presentation of the results.