Two new master theses written in collaboration with Vista
Oslo, 05.07.2023
This spring, Matilde Avdem Frankmo and Sunniva Heckel have written their master's thesis in collaboration with Vista Analyse.
Matilde analyzed household price elasticity in the power market, and her thesis is available here (in Norwegian). The background for the thesis is that the extraordinarily high power prices in the period 2020-2022 suggest that estimates from previous periods are not transferable. Through panel data analyses, Matilde finds that a spot price increase of one per cent results in a 0,03 per cent reduction in power consumption among households. This is in line with previous analyses and the thesis concludes that price elasticity is unchanged from previous periods.
Money laundering is the topic of Sunniva's master's thesis, and her thesis is available here (in English). Sunniva analyzes how sociodemographic variables and labour market characteristics are related to the probability of committing money laundering. She has analyzed a panel dataset for reported incidents in Norway between 2000 and 2019. One of several findings in her thesis is that older non-immigrants are more likely to commit money laundering, contradicting pattern for criminal offences in general, where young immigrants are most strongly represented.
We congratulate Matilde and Sunniva on completing their master's studies!