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APELL: Awareness and Preparedness for emergencies at the Local Level
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1 APELL: Awareness and Preparedness for emergencies at the Local Level APELL(阿佩尔) :地区性紧急事故的意识与防备 Kristin Aunan, Cicero 2 Content 内容 • Background 背景 • Introduction to the APELL approach 介绍APELL方法 • Examples: 举例: – APELL for dangerous goods transport 危险货物运输APELL – APELL Multi-Hazard Training Kit APELL多危害培训包 • APELL in China APELL在中国 • Summary and additional resources for emergency response training 总结和应急处置培训的附加资源 3 Background – deadly industrial disasters 背景 -致命的工业灾难 • Seveso, Italy 1976 (dioxin). 1976年,意大利赛维索(二噁英) • Bhopal 1984 (gas leak at pesticide plant) 1984年,印度博帕尔(农药公司气体泄漏) • San Juanico, Mexico 1984 (explosions at LPG tank farm) 1984年,墨西哥圣胡安尼克(液化石油气灌 区爆炸) • São Paulo, Brazil, 1984 (gas pipeline explosion) 1984年,巴西圣保罗(天然气管道爆炸) • … …… November 2013, Qingdao February 1984, São Paulo, Brazil 4 UNEP APELL Programme 联合国环境规划署APELL 计划 • APELL: “Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level ” APELL:地区性紧急事故的意识与防备 • Launched by UNEP in 1986 to help governments reduce the occurrence and harmful effects of accidents and emergencies 1986年由联合国环境规划署发起,旨在帮助政府减少事故和突发事件 的发生和危害 • Depends on 依据: – national emergency strategy and administration 国家紧急战略和管理 – ‘right to know ’ legislation and transparency 知情权立法和透明度 – culture and practice of community involvement 文化和社会实践 – interagency cooperation 单位间合作 5 5 APELL Worldwide 全球APELL • Capacity Building in more than 40 Countries 在40多个国家能力建设 – India, Russia, Baltics, Czech Republic, Thailand, China, France, Qatar, Tunisia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Equator, Venezuela, Chile, Morocco, South Africa, etc. – 印度、俄罗斯、捷克共和国、泰国、中国、法国、卡塔尔、突尼斯、秘 鲁、巴西、阿根廷、哥伦比亚、赤道、委内瑞拉、智利、摩洛哥、南非 等。 • Industrial Parks/Zones: Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, France, Morocco, Sri Lanka 工业园区:阿根廷、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、埃及、法国、摩洛哥、 斯里兰卡 • Appraoch promoted by companies (e.g. mining companies) and industrial organizations 公司(如矿业公司)和产业组织提出的方法 6 Approach: A structured Multi -stakeholder dialogue process 方法:一个结构化的多方利益相关者的对话过程 专家和其它 利益相关者 地方机构 企业 团体 完善的应急防备计划 7 1. Identify participants, define roles and resources 识别参与方、明确角色和资源 2. Evaluate hazards and risks in the community 评估危害和风险 3. Review existing emergency plans, identify weaknesses and ensure coordination of plans 评估已有应急预案,找出漏洞,确保预案间的协调 4. Task identification 任务识别 5. Match tasks and to the resources of participants 向参与者的资源匹配任务 6. Improve plans, integrate individual plans into overall community plan, and reach agreement 提升预案,将单个预案整合入整体预案,并达成一致 7. Draft final plan and get approval from local governments 最终草案得到当地政府批准 8. Communication and training 交流和培训 10. Educate the community about the integrated plan 向公众进行整体预案宣教 9. Procedures for testing, review and update of plan 演练、评估、更新预案的程序 10 steps: 10 个步骤 8 8 APELL in different sectors 不同行业的APELL • APELL for Chemical/ Industrial Accidents 针对化学/ 工业事件的APELL • TransAPELL (Dangerous goods transport) 运输APELL(危险货物运输) • APELL for Port Areas 码头APELL • APELL for Mining 采矿APELL • Training kit on APELL for multi- hazards APELL多危害培训工具包 9 TransAPELL Guidance for Dangerous Goods Transport Emergency Planning In a Local Community 地方危险货物运输应急预案指南 Henan, February 2013: Rescuers look for survivors after a truck carrying fireworks exploded and caused a bridge to partially collapse on the Lianhuo highway in Mianchi County 2013年2月,河南:在渑池连霍高速,一辆载有烟花爆竹的卡车爆炸,造成大桥部分坍塌,救援者在搜寻幸存者。 10 Risks from transportation are complex运输的风险是多元的 • Transport routes have considerable geographic extension 运输路线占相当大的地域范围 • Many routes pass through densely populated areas, along rivers and lake shores 很多路线穿过人口稠密区,沿河流和湖泊 • When an accident happens, there may be delay in ascertaining what substances are involved 事件发生时,确定涉及何种物质可能会有所延迟 • Many stakeholders; incl contract carriers 多方利益相关者; 包括合同运营商 • Accidents may happen in communities without own risky installations – low awareness and capacity 事件可能发生在无风险设施的团体- 较低的意识和能力 • Difficult to disseminate adequate information to people affected by accident很难向受事件影响的人群传播充足的信息 11 1. Identify participants, define roles and resources 识别参与方、明确角色和资源 2. Evaluate hazards and risks in the community 评估危害和风险 3. Review existing emergency plans, identify weaknesses and ensure coordination of plans 评估已有应急预案,找出漏洞,确保预案间的协调 4. Task identification 任务识别 5. Match tasks and to the resources of participants 向参与者的资源匹配任务 6. Improve plans, integrate individual plans into overall community plan, and reach agreement 提升预案,将单个预案整合入整体预案,并达成一致 7. Draft final plan and get approval from local governments 最终草案得到当地政府批准 8. Communication and training 交流和培训 10. Educate the community about the integrated plan 向公众进行整体预案宣教 9. Procedures for testing, review and update of plan 演练、评估、更新预案的程序 10 steps: 10 个步骤 12 Possible partners (selection) 可能的合作伙伴(选择) Governmental/civil society: 政府/民间团体: • Rescue service departments 救援服务部门 • Civil defence organisations 民防组织 • Enforcement authorities执法部门 • Transport authorities交通部门 • Health agencies and hospitals, Red Cross 卫生机构和医院,红十字会 • Port authorities 港务局 • Regional planning authorities 区域规划部门 • News organisations (TV, radio, newspapers) 新闻组织(电视,广播,报纸) Industry:企业: • Road haulage industry 汽车货运业 • Rail industry 铁路行业 • Petroleum industry 石油行业 • Explosives and fireworks manufacturers 炸药和烟花制造商 • Metal producing industry 金属生产行业 • Pharmaceutical industry 制药业 • Fertiliser manufacturers 化肥生产商 • Chemicals manufacturers 化学品制造商 • Cement manufacturers 水泥生产企业 13 1. Identify participants, define roles and resources 识别参与方、明确角色和资源 2. Evaluate hazards and risks in the community 评估危害和风险 3. Review existing emergency plans, identify weaknesses and ensure coordination of plans 评估已有应急预案,找出漏洞,确保预案间的协调 4. Task identification 任务识别 5. Match tasks and to the resources of participants 向参与者的资源匹配任务 6. Improve plans, integrate individual plans into overall community plan, and reach agreement 提升预案,将单个预案整合入整体预案,并达成一致 7. Draft final plan and get approval from local governments 最终草案得到当地政府批准 8. Communication and training 交流和培训 10. Educate the community about the integrated plan 向公众进行整体预案宣教 9. Procedures for testing, review and update of plan 演练、评估、更新预案的程序 10 steps: 10 个步骤 14 Hazard identification for dangerous goods (DG)危险货物危险源辨识 Step in identification 辨识步骤 Application to DG 应 用于危 险货 物 Output 输 出 Risk objects (roads, rails...) 风险对象(公路、 铁路……) Transport pattern (geography) 交通模式(地理) Major routes for transport of DG 运输危险货物的主要线路 Hazard (dangerous goods) 危害(危险货物) Flow (what, where from, where to, when..) 流向(何种物质、来源、去向、时间) Type and quantity of DG transported within/through community 危险货物的种类和数量 Probability 概率 Accident history 历史事件 Accident statistics (other?) 事故统计数据(其它?) Risk type 风险类型 Accident scenarios (what can happen where/when?) 事故场景(何种事件,时间地点) Accident scenarios per type of DG 每种危险货物的事故场景 Threatened objects 威胁的对象 Vulnerability assessment 脆弱性评估 Humans, environment and property near transport routes 运输路线附近的人、环境、财产 Consequences 后果 Damage assessment 损害评估 Damage scenarios based on accident scenarios and threatened areas 基于事故场景和威胁的地区的损害场景 Risk factors 风险因素 Factors affecting risk, eg evacuation routes 风险影响因素,如疏散路线 Factors modifying probability or consequence 改变概率或后果的因素 Result presentation 结果呈现 High risk zones (where/when) 高风险区(时间、地点) 15 NB Measures can be taken immediately based on hazard evaluation, e.g routeing restrictions 根据危害评价立即采取NB措施,如路由选择的限制 16 1. Identify participants, define roles and resources 识别参与方、明确角色和资源 2. Evaluate hazards and risks in the community 评估危害和风险 3. Review existing emergency plans, identify weaknesses and ensure coordination of plans 评估已有应急预案,找出漏洞,确保预案间的协调 4. Task identification 任务识别 5. Match tasks and to the resources of participants 向参与者的资源匹配任务 6. Improve plans, integrate individual plans into overall community plan, and reach agreement 提升预案,将单个预案整合入整体预案,并达成一致 7. Draft final plan and get approval from local governments 最终草案得到当地政府批准 8. Communication and training 交流和培训 10. Educate the community about the integrated plan 向公众进行整体预案宣教 9. Procedures for testing, review and update of plan 演练、评估、更新预案的程序 10 steps: 10 个步骤 17 Emergency response plan evaluation matrix 应急预案评估矩阵 18 1. Identify participants, define roles and resources 识别参与方、明确角色和资源 2. Evaluate hazards and risks in the community 评估危害和风险 3. Review existing emergency plans, identify weaknesses and ensure coordination of plans 评估已有应急预案,找出漏洞,确保预案间的协调 4. Task identification 任务识别 5. Match tasks and to the resources of participants 向参与者的资源匹配任务 6. Improve plans, integrate individual plans into overall community plan, and reach agreement 提升预案,将单个预案整合入整体预案,并达成一致 7. Draft final plan and get approval from local governments 最终草案得到当地政府批准 8. Communication and training 交流和培训 10. Educate the community about the integrated plan 向公众进行整体预案宣教 9. Procedures for testing, review and update of plan 演练、评估、更新预案的程序 10 steps: 10 个步骤 19 Draft community plan and review against following planning elements: 草拟预案并对比下列要素 • risk evaluation (potential for exposures near transport routes), emergency assessment and incident classification 风险评估(运输线路附近的潜在风险) • organizational responsibilities (avoid individuals) 组织责任(避免个人) • emergency equipment and facilities 应急设备和设施 • public education and information 公众教育和信息 • notification procedures (emergency call out list) and communications systems 通知程序(紧急呼叫列表)和通信系统 • public warning systems 公共预警系统 • protective action procedures, e.g. evacuation 防护行动程序,如疏散 • media contacts媒体接触 • post -emergency procedures 事故后的程序 20 20 APELL in different sectors不同行业的APELL • APELL for Chemical/ Industrial Accidents 针对化学/ 工业事件的APELL • TransAPELL (Dangerous goods transport) 运输APELL(危险货物运输) • APELL for Port Areas 码头APELL • APELL for Mining 采矿APELL • Training kit on APELL for multi- hazards APELL多危害培训工具包 21 APELL Multi-Hazard Training Kit APELL 多危害培训工具包 • Assists local authorities for emergency , for the multiple hazards that may be present, incl. natural disasters 协助当地政府应急防备,针对可能出现 的多种风险,包括自然灾害 • Provides training in the most important principles and steps in improving emergency preparedness, and of the most common hazards found worldwide 提供最重要原则的培训,针对全球发现 的最普遍的危险物质,提供提升应急准 备能力的步骤 22 Screening of risks in community风险筛选 1: Favourable situation (low hazard, low vulnerability, sufficient level of risk control) 有利的情况(低危险,低脆弱性, 足够的风险控制水平) 5 : Unfavourable situation (frequently occurring hazard, lack of protective measures) 不利的情况(频繁发生的危险,缺 少防护措施) 23 Multi-hazard matrix graph 多危害矩阵 24 Screening may indicate the need for further risk assessment 筛选可能表明需要进一步的风险评估 • Module 3 in Training kit: Methods for in -depth risk assessment 培训包的模块3 :深度风险评估的方法 • Module 4 and 5: Summary of key issues related to effective emergency planning and risk communication 模块4 和5:总结有效的应急预案和风险交流涉及的关键问题 • Module 6 -15: Measures that can be taken to reduce local vulnerability and increase the level of preparedness in case of specific hazardous events 模块6 -15:降低脆弱性和提高特定危险事件防范水平可采取的措施 25 APELL in China APELL在中国 • Policy on chemical industry parks may have improved management, but also increased risk of domino-effect accidents 化工园区政策可能改善了管理,但也提高了事故多米诺效应的风险 • APELL partnership 2007: UNEP, MEP, and Dow Chemical Company. Pilot project: “Promoting Safer Operations and Emergency Preparedness in the Value Chain of the Chemical Sector” 2007年APELL合作协议:UNEP、环保部、陶氏化学。试点项目:“ 促进化学行业价值链更安全的运行和应急准备” • Project demonstration site: Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park in Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone (Jiangsu) 项目示范点:江苏张家港自由贸易区的长江国际化工园区 26 Project output includes:项目输出包括 • Training Handbook on Emergency Prevention and Preparedness for Chemical Industrial Accidents in China handbook (APELL approach) 化工事故风险防范培训手册(APELL方法) • Guideline for Management of Environmental Emergency Preparedness in Chemical Industry Parks in China 中国化工园区突发环境事件应急预案管理指南 • Training workshops and drills 培训班和演习 27 Summary of benefits of implementing the APELL process总结实施APELL步骤的好处 • Enhanced local knowledge of industrial hazards and risks 增强当地对企业危害和风险的认识 • The community is informed about the risks they are exposed to, and educated on how to react to industrial accidents, including to instructions from local authorities 告诉社区他们所暴露的风险,教育他们如何处理工业事故,包括当地 官方的指示 • Increased coordination between local authorities, emergency respons agencies, industry, and the public 增强当地政府、应急响应机构、企业和公众间的合作 • Integrated emergency response plans 集成的应急预案 28 Additional resources附加资源: Environmental Emergencies Centre (UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit): Provides training, knowledge, and good practice sharing 环境应急中心 ( UNEP/OCHA 环境单元):提供培训、知识、先进经验分享 29 Online and face-to-face training 在线面对面培训
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